Blue Whale®, a French cooperative, achieved record turnover across markets due to strong growth of varieties such as Candine, Coeur de Reine, and Pink Lady. Focus on innovation, sustainability, and diversification for future success.

Blue Whale® Announces Record Turnover

Blue Whale®, the leading French cooperative, has declared record turnover figures across all its markets with the end of the apple season. Candine saw a triple increase in sales with strong growth in Asian markets, while Coeur de Reine doubled its sales in France, and French Pink Lady achieved a 30% global growth. Marc Peyres, the commercial director, attributes this success to years of innovation and adapting to market demands.

Success and Future Growth

The success of Candine, Coeur de Reine, and Pink Lady highlights the company’s focus on innovation. Peyres emphasizes the importance of ongoing efforts and professionalism in sustaining growth. Looking ahead, Peyres believes in the need for continuous innovation, with new varieties currently in development that will shape the future of Blue Whale®.

Sustainable Management and Diversification

Blue Whale® prioritizes sustainable management to ensure year-round fruit supply. The company is actively investing in late-ripening varieties, cold storage, and orchard management to combat climate change challenges. Additionally, the company is expanding its portfolio to include premium pears, kiwis, plums, and seedless table grapes, projecting significant growth in this segment over the next five years.

Source : Blue Whale® ends season with record turnover

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