The UN human rights chief urged China to implement recommendations to protect human rights in Tibet and Xinjiang, but activists criticized his comments as weak and lacking action.

UN Urges China to Protect Human Rights

The United Nations human rights chief urged China to implement recommendations to safeguard human rights in Tibet, Xinjiang, and nationwide. However, activists criticized the statements as weak and lacking action. Previous reports found potential crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.

Call for Implementation of Recommendations

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called on China to act on suggestions from various human rights bodies, including releasing those detained in Xinjiang. Allegations of torture, forced labor, and other abuses need to be investigated. Additionally, China should disclose the whereabouts of individuals in Xinjiang and permit communication with relatives.

Criticism and Hope for Engagement

Despite criticism from activists about the lack of strong action, the UN remains hopeful for engagement with China on proposed measures for human rights protection. Prior dialogues have been deemed ineffective in preventing crimes against humanity. While some consider the call a step in the right direction, more substantial actions are needed to address human rights violations in China.

Source : Update on China’s “24 Measures” Aimed at Attracting Foreign Investment – Thailand China Business News

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