Cautiously positive outlook for consumer spending in Singapore in 2024-2025 due to economic recovery, but inflation remains a significant risk, impacting household purchasing power and potentially dampening consumer sentiment.

Key View: We hold a cautious but positive outlook for consumer spending in Singapore over 2024 and 2025 as the ongoing economic recovery feeds through to stable real consumer spending growth over the year. Easing inflationary pressures and stable labour market will form the base for stable consumer spending. However, inflation has proven to be stickier and higher than anticipated which will weigh more heavily on household purchasing power, serving as the key risk to our outlook.

Singapore’s consumer outlook remains cautiously optimistic, but inflation continues to pose a significant downside risk to achieving a more robust economic trajectory. While the city-state has shown resilience in the wake of global economic challenges, the rising cost of goods and services threatens to undercut consumer spending power.

As the global economy grapples with supply chain disruptions and fluctuating energy prices, Singapore has not been immune to these pressures. The nation’s open economy and reliance on imported goods make it particularly vulnerable to global inflationary trends. This has led to an increase in the cost of living, which could dampen consumer sentiment and spending in the near future.

However, policymakers are actively monitoring the situation and implementing measures to mitigate the adverse effects of inflation. Efforts to stabilize prices, boost local production, and support households are crucial in ensuring that consumer confidence remains intact. Maintaining a balance between managing inflation and fostering economic growth will be key to navigating Singapore through these inflationary challenges.

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Source : Singapore Consumer Outlook: Inflation Remains Key Downside Risk To More Robust Trajectory

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